How is it going?

How are you and hi are things going?

Some of you have had parents die and ochildren born and plenty more.

I wish you guys good support and positive loving kind network.

I pray for our schizophrenic community.

Love to you guys!



Loving kindness to you, @SacredNeigh7

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That was a nice post @SacredNeigh7 :slightly_smiling_face:

How are you doing?

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I had a pretty good day.

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Hi @SacredNeigh7 :wave: :slight_smile:


hello there, thanks for your nice greeting to this community, @SacredNeigh7.

I just came back from the local community hospital. I had a flu shot there. cost me about 15 US dollars. Not bad. …It’s chilly outside as there is a cold wave blowing from the north. The weather forcast says we are going to have snow tomorrow.

Wish you a nice day.

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Thank you for your kind replies.:blush:

Good that you are taking precautions and taking preventive flue shot and investing in your health and well being.

Nice to read from you guys.

I am a bit mixed in how I feel today.

I am happy because I bought beautiful food today and could afford to buy such nice things because I got a bit of money for my upcoming birthday.

Still dizzy and spinning feeling along with hot flushes and bloated stomach and nausea day and night but with out vomiting and constipation.
I am hoping it is not cancer.
I had ovarian cancer a few years ago.

We have another family member who has cancer.

Missing loved ones.

I pray forgiveness for my wrongs.
To x boyfriends and friends and family etc.

I was psychotic and suffering and believed strange things etc

I apolagise

Hope you guys are doing well and can feel positive optimistic and supported and loved etc


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Hey there wave :blush:


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Loving kindness back at ya!:blush::two_hearts::tulip:

I hope you are doing well. Is your cancer in remission?

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