How do you make friends IRL

I want to make some friends.

My trust has been misplaced so much in my early years that it makes me nervous.

Not sure how to go about it.

The person who was my best friend killed my character in my hometown by telling everyone I have Schizophrenia.

To achieve new friends I think I would need to travel into the inner city to meet other people.

It’s difficult because I already have a routine and a schedule of things, so I don’t know how I would make time for friends.

Any ideas would be appreciated. seems like a good site, and I nearly went to a board game group, but I got bad anxiety about it and didn’t go.


Hey man, for friendships is very helpful to have a hobby in common, at least in my case…

I needed to make new all my friendships aswell.


Yes a hobby, my friends motivate me to play Call of Duty with them by calling me daily.


If you go back into education that would be a pretty good place to start. Just start conversations with people and when you get familiar with them ask them if they want to go get some drinks or do something you have in common.


I love some of the people I volunteer work with.

We do not hang out privately outside of working but I enjoy their company when we work together and it is socialising.

I have difficulty with friends.
Making and keeping.

I have no friends to hang out with and I don’t know how to play computer games and no one has the time or patience to teach me.

A short course, hobby, meetup,team sports, volunteering…?

Good wishes to us.:slightly_smiling_face:


The reason is so great is that the groups are all of people with a similar interest, and they’re all looking to make friends. If I were you, I’d try again. When you start going to the same group for a while, you start having conversations with people and you will start to see if you click or not. If you don’t click with anyone in the group, move on to a different group. As you get to know each other you can ask for a phone number and can start to hang out outside of the group

i make friends at work or while gaming online

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