At home. Public yelling doesn’t bother me as much when I’m home. When I was twenty I did not care what people thought. Sz has ■■■■■■ up my life.
I want to put a pencil through my ear. Hate you sob
Sz sucks…!!!
It’s not people’s thoughts. They are hallucinations
People drive by my mom’s yelling and shooting off guns when I stay with her. I wish they’d leave me alone.
You hear people yelling at you everywhere. It’s not true. You have schizophrenia and are hearing things.
You’re also treatment resistant - at least with montherapy (just one AP).
You need to consider clozapine or adding another AP.
If not then you could end up being a danger to yourself or others.
I like latuda and feel it’s good for some symptoms. Yeah I was saying a bit back that I wanted to add another ap. August 21st.
The trick is not to “ignore people”, but to focus your mind on something else. Just try to set your mind on something else. Nature is a good thing to meditate on. Why do birds fly? How did all this grass get planted? Why do flowers seem so beautiful?
There’s an infinite number of questions to ponder upon!
I’m going to make sure rent/bills are paid. Before I go to crisis. I’m calling my caseworker to talk about possible earlier appointment or ask to go to Georgetown.
Any advice @everhopeful otherwise?
Headphones and some peaceful music are always good XD
Hope you feel better!
That sounds like a good plan. At least ask them about clozapine too. You dont have to take it but just make enquires.
I remember reading that when clozapine fails they try a first gen med combined with a second gen med. So that might be worth mentioning to them.
I called my caseworker and she said my pdoc is booked full. So I’ll give it three to four days if I’m not okay to go to the crisis center.
As I said I haven’t exhausted through meds available. Seroquel tried to kill me. I’m not taking clozaril. Quasall.
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