How do you cope with noise?

How do you cope with noise, loud or quiet?

Are you sensory impaired or have autism?

How does noise affect you


Noise really only bothers me when we have snow for half the year because snow plows wake me up at 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. and sometimes this idiot wakes me up snowblowing at 1:20 a.m. and snowblows until 5 a.m. so I can’t sleep and that really pisses me off but all I can do is get up and make a cup of coffee and watch TV and check the forum.


I’m able to filter out street noise, it doesn’t usually bother me. At night I only wake up to the sound of cat fights, which is not that common here.

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Yes, autism. Technically diagnosed with Asperger’s. I have sensory issues and get overwhelmed by noise. I cannot filter it out. I avoid it when I can.


I hear kids playing loudly intermittently during the day beneath my windows it bothers me sometimes and i play my music.

I don’t know if im going to move to a bungalow again there much quieter. Its just a big deal to me moving ive been in this flat several years and its close by to everything so handy

It is a dilemma because noise does stress me out really bad sometimes then i close windows in the heat of summer which ain’t much good

Can anyone advise?

I find keeping busy (photography especially) helps me cope. I do not suggest blasting music with headphones. Did this when I was younger and am paying for it now with damaged hearing.


I’m okay with noise now.

If I was off meds it would probably bother me, but nowadays not so much.

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Worst noise to me is when im outside and hear people talking, makes me paranoid, also i cant wear headphones for more than a few minutes lately as its overwhelming, idk when that started but its made me start barely listening to music anymore


I can’t sleep in same room as anyone for noise of breathing

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I dislike people snoring as well. Luckily, in most instances I’m the snorer :smiling_imp:

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Is sensory overload a big thing in autism?


@signless sensory overload and impairment is a big thing in schizophrenics and autism

I hate loud motorbikes. I try to avoid living in locations where I’m based by a busy high street.


I think I’m quite sensitive to noise. If music is playing loudly then It would disturb me a bit.

I’m currently in referal for possible autism

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I keep my TV turned off all the time. So that really makes my environment quiet as I live alone and that makes it very quiet as well.


Yea I believe so

I hate hearing other peoples music. I can’t filter it out. I have no idea how some people can study and listen to music at the same time.

Skinnyme im the same except during summer break when its warm and kids are off school and i hear them playing. It can be torturing for me mentally all the noise. I like kids but its inescapable sometimes except if i go out or bake inside with the windows closed.
Had a lovely day today though , went out then got cleaning done and enjoyed peace and quiet while kids were away somewhere else. Even rang parents and had a good heart to heart with them. Yeah somedays are better

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