How are you today?

Please do say how you are doing today.
use as many words as possible.

as example : I am doing well so far today. I just awoke and found a snow storm , but it is ok I dont have to go out in the cold weather.


I’m just after waking up and so still feel groggy. I feel better than yesterday already though. Yestetday was my worst day in about a year.


i just came from the supermarket ill cook ham with mushrooms and fries.ill put some cheese on it 2.
at the moment iam drinking a coffee its cold outside around 6 c 42 F.

later ill watch a movie i already did see Ford vs ferari was good.

glad u feel better everhopeful


I am okay, I just took my meds and had something to eat, I had my evening walk, a lot of snow and it was dark but I enjoyed it, I am looking forward to spring and summer, I went to ride my bicycle today, it was okay, nothing special, it is going to be above zero C next week, I like my walks.


I fell into the temptation of junk food so I had a lemon cheesecake, a carrotcake muffin, some coke, chewinggum, and about to tuck into a choc marbled brioche loaf.
Things are not looking good. I will fast for a day tomorrow if I can.

On the bright side the sky has cleared up just wish I wasn’t this depressed so I could enjoy it.

Will also be starting my hair removal treatment in a months time now so Im looking forward to that


@DragonStorm. How are you doing today?

I’m doing well this morning. I’ve been having some trouble sleeping lately so I slept in this morning. I’m enjoying my first cup of coffee.


I’m feeling run-down this morning. I slept til 11:30am. I just had something for breakfast, it’s really lunchtime, with a Mountain Dew and a cup of coffee. The grocery delivery person is supposed to come between 2 and 3pm. I really need to clean my apartment, but I don’t feel up to it right now. I think I’m going to stay in bed until my groceries are delivered.


Feeling a bit down and also feeling somewhat energized - mixed?
Was looking at some old photos of my Mom, this made me sad.

I’m waiting for my caseworker to text me.
I may see her in a little while.


I am doing ok, just went out for lunch. Food was horrible and pricy, but my gals son loved it. ty @Moonbeam


I’m emotionally down today. But I’m still productive. I started the laundry and shoveled the driveway. I’m making fish for dinner tonight but not eating any because I hate fish. I may have a sandwich.


I am struggling I forgot to take my meds, I usually remember. On top of that I socialized with friends with my husband last night and had some drinks to give me energy not much. A few drinks never seems to hurt me but worn from later night and forgetting my med this morning so I took it later.

Otherwise my family is good and I am ok and everything at home is good. It just feels crappy to feel crappy when you see a life you want to be fully part of as yourself.

I’m having French onion soup for dinner and I don’t need to cook. It’s frozen. I’ve been craving it

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