How are you guys feeling?

Feel like im going nowhere… id love to be successfull… How about u guys…?


i dont care about success. i just want to live a decent life.


I feel that with all of my interests i think a door will open. Discussed this very thing at therapy tonight.


I’m not doing well but hoping i feel less paranoia tomorrow. My kids are home on Sunday. Gotta get my ■■■■ together before then

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I went out last night for a volunteer dinner
I got paranoia which wasn’t good
I can’t socialize with this illness

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I just woke up at 5:30am. That’s the latest time I have woken up in over 6 months on Aripiprazole. Hopefully it will continue to get better now I am on Amisulpride as well. So feeling good about that right now.

I am going to have to deal with some ■■■■ today though, as I cancelled on my case manager again as she hasn’t been returning my calls, so not sure if I rocked the boat yesterday as I cannot really remember what I said :frowning:

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Good good … its a morning here…!!! I am enjoying a cuppa tea… pegion are making louder nice outside…!!!

My sister is guest for today… so far i am having good day…


I’m feeling a bit paranoid but I’m feeling happy. Enjoying music


I feel good. I chew gum all day long :stuck_out_tongue:


I had paranoia seeing my new pdoc. She said she wanted to know “everything about” me and I sort of flipped out. I told her my taxi would be there already (which was true) and I didn’t want to piss off my ride service (a half-truth). She was also scary to me because she liked the psychiatrist I had fled from a year ago and asked me to fill out a release form from him.

And so all afternoon and all night I’ve been in a paranoid state. I really need to let this pdoc know so in order to have her understanding.

Thanks for reading.


pretty decent.
started seroquel last night and it knocked me out like a baby.
still struggling in a treatment program but it’s whatever.
overall feeling pretty good, thanks for asking.

I’m not doing great currently. But just started a new medication and hoping things will improve in the coming weeks.

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Success comes slowly be patience , seek little things

Im feeling calm and secure.

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