I can’t drive due to concentration issues, but now I’ve turned into a very nervous passenger. I hate cars.
I’m like a cat on a hot tin roof unless I’m the driver.
I like driving my car. But I don’t like driving very far, just up the road to the shops is about as much as I can handle recently.
I’m a terrified passenger.
Depends on who is driving the car.
Yeah same here I much prefer driving over riding. I’m a nervous Nelly when someone else is driving
When I was taking a taxi to see my mum I would get anxious the older the driver was. I’d be thinking what if he has a heart attack.
I’m an angry driver. A car behind me doesn’t have to actually be tailgating me for me to think they are (too close for my comfort). And I have no sympathy for hesitation due to needless fear or stupidity (like at an intersection when someone in front of me can turn right but they don’t) If people don’t use their indicator lights, or they stop a full car length from the line, or pass me when I’m doing 65mph in a 55mph zone, it upsets me.
Pissed off…
I was ment to get my full licence here in N.Z ages ago I had a full over in Aus but that was just before I got my condition. Can’t study or anything and haven’t had my restricted renewed for many years. Driving is still quite easy but illegal. I get a little paranoid about other people’s driving habits. The death road toll is rather high here.
I own a car, but rarely go driving.
If I do drive, its to go down the street to the market - its only 2 minutes from my house
I own a car and I drive everyday either to visit my sister or to go to the shops. I’m a very scared passenger though especially if the driver is speeding. I use to love long drives in the country but not so much anymore. I just hate it to drive on the high-way
I would drive sometimes but when I started having vertigo while on the freeway at 65 mph I quit.
I was ok with driving for 35 years ( though maybe I shouldn’t have been at times, looking back) Till I ran a redlight and my brothers made me stop driving. I don’t know how I’d be 5 years later. I’m something of a back seat driver when riding, but I try to curb myself.
I haven’t driven in fifteen years. I get nervous when someone else is driving. I think I would try to get a refresher course in driver safety before I tried to drive again.
I drive. Alot. I’m a bit nervous when someone else is driving.
I don’t know how to drive an automatic car (without clutch pedal) but alright with manual transmission. There are several reasons why driving car is not a good idea in my city: Traffic jam, toll fare, parking.
I do not drive an auto, I do not have one, but I have this great outdoors vehicle, a bicycle and I ride it a lot. In winter I take local bus rides, when it is difficult to ride a bike, but other than that I have not been in an auto for some time.
Yes, it is eco-friendly. Save the Earth!
I prefer walking or the train. I hate driving. If its in walking distance I walk instead of drive.