I just ran out of likes for the first time… Weak.
To bad I can’t give you some of mine. I don’t give that many out. It’s an oversight. I guess I should.
Took 13 hours or so.
I would have liked that post though.
Spare your likes you have not . Clouded your future is.
Next time. think before like , you will
How do you run out? I get your joking but is something linked to likes , badges, etc?
And I wouldn’t worry about it , I have seen a lot of delusional stuff liked here.
How many likes are you allowed to give per day ? I only give at most a handful per day.
**I`m not sure how many per person each day, but I guess the site can only accept so many when everyone is liking!! **
i have a secret lab where i manufacture my own…
" more ’ likes ’ droid quickly !?! "
" yes my master ".
take care
I’ve done this a few times…
oh to give your hearts away…