Hmmm. Am I better than a lab rat?

I would like to think so.
But about 15 years ago I got a gig as a paid schizophrenic test subject. I forget how I found them or they found me but some student researchers at Stanford University had me drive to the University on a weekend and they tested and experimented with me.

They paid me rather well for my time, I went there occasionally for two or three hours each time over a span of two years and they fed me lunch and had me do all kinds of weird things. They paid me at least $50.00 each session and sometimes as much as a $100.00.

They covered my head with electrodes and put me in a soundproof box and had me look at a TV screen and flashed simple symbols on the screen and told me to say, “Ah” every time a certain symbol flashed on the screen. They had me punch buttons while they broadcast sounds into my ear. Weird stuff like that.

It was actually enjoyable and the students were really nice. They were researching schizophrenia and they said the results of my test would be published in a journal after two years. I never saw the journal but I’m happy I did something useful to help schizophrenics.

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That sounds cool. I wouldn’t mind helping the research of schizophrenia here too. But it’s done in another city, it’s not close.

Maybe you could do it through the mail.

Don’t know if its possible, will search for it.

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