High doses a chem straight jacket

Im thinking so

What do you think? Yes/no


Chemical Cosh for me…


Since having my Risperdal dose lowered by just 1mg I’m more alert and less blunted cognitively

What a difference!


Darn pdoc has ordered increase im scared im gonna turn into a parsnip

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Excellent @Vertigo we need you on the ball, best cos your a nice bloke!

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Thanks @Ducky!
You’re pretty swell yourself!

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At the moment im good but a few months ago i was struggling with cognitive and negatives but meds are wearing off and i feel great at this dose. Just need to avoid the increase which may be tricky cos depot is Wednesday

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IDK, the comparison always bothered me. Being on heavy doses and wearing an actual straitjacket are two completely different things to me. I worked for years on high doses of AP’s and couldn’t work for a minute in a straitjacket. Sure, AP’s slowed me down but I could work, drive and go to school on a high dose.


Idk, maybe your unique

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Yes, in a metaphorical way you could say that. Not much about me on high doses.

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Im going onto 500mg every 4 wks but im nervous it might help but i might be more numb i really don’t know?

It wasn’t easy.

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Yeah i can guess it was hard work for you to manage all of that, hats off to you!! @77nick77

I mean ive been on clozapine and others i can’t remember all but they were all medium to high doses. Im finally feeling more myself on Clopixol after some really awful experiences on ap’s where i slept 24/7 or was staringat four walls for months. I want to stay on Clopixol its scary when you get physical symptoms like diabetes and high blood pressure cholesterol etc. And difficult losing weight even having salad and vegetables most days. I guess i should just be grateful that im feeling a bit better on this and stop whining about physicals. Im okay im just a bit whacky doodle tonight

Take it easy everyone!

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I’d much rather be chemically “straight jacketed” than be as crazy as I used to be. No doubt about it.

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Yeah good point @SkinnyMe

I just need to be positive and stop panicking about physical symptoms but its hard to do this sometimes, you know keep positive?

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