Hi y'all. What are you doing today?

Hi leaf.

I posted a couple of topics about it. You can read why I’m confused there. I keep doubting my sanity yet having it proved that I am sane when it’s impossible.

Thanks for your concern.

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I was about to start with job interview question preparation. But all of a sudden as I was about to commence, I feel too drowsy.

I hate medication life and I am determined to come off the medication with a pdoc. In the future.

Mainly because I am afraid of what taking this mysterious medication every day is doing to me physiologically in the long run.

Anyways, I will go to sleep now :roll_eyes:

Enjoy your day Leaf :four_leaf_clover:


goodnight, sleep well.

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The medication has given me two serious side effects and probably more in the future and it doesn’t even work. I might as well be popping Smarties.

No medication I’ve been on has ever done anything but give me side effects.


That’s terrible. You must be frustrated.

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Well I’m frustrated I’m being forced to take something that’s ruined my health but I’m seriously frustrated because everything that’s happened to me so far doesn’t contradict reality.

I don’t get it really. How in the name of jaysus can an hallucination give you loads of accurate information you couldn’t possibly have known?


idk, how indeed?

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That’s what I’m saying leaf. You should read my topic in the Lounge. I’ve searched up and down the internet for an instance of this. I found one incident similar to it but it could have had a biological cause.

My hallucination says stuff like my friend will be on at 10:50 tonight and tells me this at lunchtime. Boom…there’s my friend right on time that night.

Or reading Quora answers and it tells me that poster has children now and is with her exes sisters ex boyfriend. Boom…

All of it, absolutely correct.

I was hoping someone could explain it. The online shrinks think I"m BSing.


I read your post. I can’t explain it except that you are delusional or hallucinating or it’s a coincidence. I’m not sure which

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That’s what I thought Leaf that’s why I told it to prove it so it spent 16 hours a day for the last eight days constantly leading me around the internet to foreign sites on subjects and forums I’ve no interest in constantly telling me what I was going to read next before I’d scrolled down the page so it’s impossible I picked it up subconsciously. Telling me user account information on complete strangers thousands of miles away before I’d clicked open their profile and on and on and on.

I dunno…if you rolled a few sixes on a dice it’s a coincidence. What is it when you hit six every time non stop for eight days solid?


Right now I’m waiting to see if FedEx is going to deliver my graphing calculator today or not. If not, I’m going to go to group therapy. Tomorrow I am going to go to the eye doctor for a new pair of glasses.

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It’s a really deep delusion then most likely. If you are struggling so much you might need your meds adjusted. You said you weren’t happy with your meds and they weren’t even working. If you find the right meds for you then you’ll feel better about your meds and maybe these kind of coincidences will stop happening.

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New glasses are always great. I love it when you can see crystal clear and your all spiffed out.

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My old pair I can’t see very good far away. They are okay with reading though. I’ve had them maybe three years I think.

"Jack may be you are a really intuitive sort and you receive information from a lot of sources which ordinary mortals like me are unable to. This is another realm you seem connected to, and it may be the realm of the wider consciousness of the universe. I will urge you to not look at this through the language of pathology but instead starting looking out for the symbolic nature of whatever is occurring and it may have many sorts of solutions for you.

I want to share with you that in particular it was Carl Jung who wrote and worked a great deal through symbolism and all the great traditions of the world, in particular people who study religion and mythology etc are exposed to the symbolic nature of communication which the psyche sends out. There is too much for you to dive into and believe me working with someone who understands this dialogue would be immensely helpful. They could also be some First Nations Elders- I do not know where you are…or else transpersonal therapists, analytical psychologists (this is the Jung school) and so many others…it can be very helpful for you, trust me.

And possibly if you received the message that a woman was responding, it may be the feminine force of the universe is trying to help you heal- I am simply its conduit. Who can tell?"

If it’s a deep delusion then how come I can cut and paste the messages it tells me I’m going to get Leaf?

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