Hi people! What is your favorite Metal band?
Eh. Bad joke about a band made out of metal. Web site won’t let me delete, though. I guess I should take a break from posting until I can delete again. Should spare people.
I thought it was funny!
Metallica for sure!!
I dont have a favorite band, more favorite albums i guess
i dont know. havent listened to much in life but i did have a metal show on the radio last night. community radio station.
Linkin park for me too.
I dont know much about it, but I like the sound of Metallica. I like the “strength” in some of the metal music, especially for some moods.
But I just can’t listen to metal, partly for faith reasons (i dont judge anyone else, but personally wouldnt want to listen to a dark death metal band) and partly for MH reasons (many of the texts and imaginery are triggering). I can only cope with gentle music, movies, books, etcetera anymore after getting ill. No paranormal thriller, metal song or horror-book for me anymore. Need to stick to the soft stuff.
I like raised fist.
I’m an old timer.
Metallica and Megadeth
slipknot =D 151515