Hey. I was wondering. Do they have a Fourth of July in other countries?

I’m just curious…

nope I think they skip the day on the calendar, but they do celebrate the american revolution…somehow, someway :wink:


No. We have our own indenpendeces and revolutions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think most countries have their own national day, if that’s what you meant. We don’t celebrate the US revolution…That would be weird.


I checked when I was in Japan. It just goes straight from the 3rd to the 5th.


In Australia we have July the fourth, it’s on the calendar. But we don’t celebrate American independence day.

Our equivalent is January 26th, Australia Day.

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In the Netherlands we have Kingsday on April 27th, when we all bow to the monarch, and then there’s Liberation day on May 5th.

Kingsday in Amsterdam:

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Not here though… We have February 30th though


That’s impossible Minnii, lol. Are you kidding? February has 28 days. When leap year comes up, it adds only one day to February which is a February 29th.

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Yesh, I am keeding :grin:


I think every country should have a Tomatina Festival. I’m not sure what they’re celebrating exactly but I can think of a lot of people I wouldn’t mind throwing tomatoes at.

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Totally! I would be up for that!

We have 4th July if thats what you meant. It’s the day after 3rd July.

A lot of my friends are a passionate USA-lovers. One of them just got married in LA to her long time gf and now they are on a road trip. Sarad jealous.

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