People here who don’t aggressively chase recovery.
I was recovering from alcoholism before I started recovering from SZ, but just barely.
“Poor me, poor me, pour me a drink,” is a saying you hear at AA a lot. It’s the truth.
So I’ve been avoiding the whole ‘poor me’ thing.
“There but for the grace of God…” is more my line of thought.
Or, “thank goodness I have SZ instead of __________.”
Replace __________ with partial paralysis, full paralysis, terminal cancer, progeria, MS, ALS, etc., etc.
Every morning I get up and say, “today is the day I kick SZ’s ass.”
The secret to recovery from SZ? Mostly attitude.
Current state of medication? Mediocre.
Current state of psychiatric medicine? Mediocre (for most).
Current state of psychology? Ranges from non-functional to pathetic at best.
What carries you past that?
I’m the little engine that could.
“I think I can, I think I can…”
Been working for me for over two decades.
The people I knew back in the day who were just sitting around waiting for a med to come along and fix all their problems? The ones that aren’t dead are still messed up and waiting (and a distressing number ARE dead).
WE are our own best medicine.
(In addition to meds and therapy – you DO need those for your baseline function.)
Rant over.