Heard from the dr about my abnormal ekg

I’m on a med for my autoimmune diseases that can affect my heart.

Well, based on the ekg it is affecting my heart.

He’s going to keep me on the same dose and add a well known well trusted med called methotrexate.

I think this is a good plan. And I no longer need to take steroids. Yay!!!


Oh that’s a relief for you. I hope you feel better on the new med

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Thanks @anon29983254 1515

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well cool…glad for you !!

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Thanks @jukebox 15

Good luck @LilyoftheValley

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I wish you nothing but the best that sounds scary

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Thanks @Wave

@AwesomeFisherman , I’ll be ok. My dr is a highly skilled Dr and I trust him. If he says I’m ok, I believe him.


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