Have to wear a heart monitor

For 3 days. It’s coming in the mail

I had an ecg today because I’m having dizzy spells.

It was abnormal but not severe.

There’s a button I’ll press each time I feel dizzy so that should show if it’s related


I’ve had to use a heart monitor 2 times in my life.

Both times the results came back normal. (Thanks anxiety!)

Wishing you all the best CoCo. I’m sure you are fine.


Thanks @TheCanuk . I’m assuming my heart is ok. I just hope I find out why I’m having dizzy spells


Can it be from meds?

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@anon83704208 the abnormal rhythm I have is not what’s usually seen from psych meds. I asked.


I have dizziness whenever my sleep quality is bad or I sleep less than 7 hours.

Also I have dizziness on April and May every year when maximum temps are above 104F (40C).

I also had dizziness regularly when I was on 100mg Amisulpride 5 years ago.

Regular stress could also be a reason.

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My pulse likes to race. I’m on metoprolol. Some tachycardia. I hope it’s not bad for you. Get better hugs.

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gee whiz, I hope your heart is ok @LilyoftheValley

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@Suspense6929 @jukebox @roxanna
Thanks. My heart isn’t too fast or too slow. The rhythm itself is abnormal. My guess is it’s fine and I have nothing to worry about. I’m just surprised because I don’t feel heart palpitations or anything so it was unexpected


i hope you don’t have to do stress tests and the like…those are hard.

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I’ve done them before when I was younger for palpitations and it wasn’t hard. If it’s too hard I’ll let them know @jukebox


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