Health stuff just venting

Ive been making more of an effort to see my dr regularly to discuss what i call a laundry list of symptoms. He so far doesnt have a strong opinion on whats happening but thinks it may be autoimmune or neurological. We did bloodwork and he sent me to urology, said they can tell if my urinary symptoms are neurological. I just get a lot of weird ambiguous symptoms and having health anxiety doesnt help. Lots of numbness and tingling throughout my body, sharp pains, muscle spasms. Those are my big 3 that happen every day just about. But there are many many more things that come and go, like balance problems. I told him i was very concerned i might have MS, but he said that was low on his list of possibilities, but we also havent gotten to a majority of my symptoms. Well see. Thanks for reading


Thats no good, hope the doc has some solutions


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