As above folks 1515151
Do you consider people on this forum your friends if you don’t know their first and last name as well as don’t know where they live?
That is what what I mean
one of my very best friends I met on this forum.
do you know him fully?
Aww thanks leafy but I don’t know if I’d consider us “best friends”
I know him pretty darn good
Seriously though.
I’d be willing to share my name and location with certain people on this forum I trust.
I consider some people on this forum as friends. I know pedro27 is firmly against this notion but it’s true.
but internet is different than IRL in fairness
How is it any different than a friend that you talk to by text or phone in real life? I have a friend I rarely see in person.
I have irl friends that I talk to less than I talk to this person. We pm for like an hour every morning and night.
I have not made any friends on here. And I don’t intend to.
I just see this place as a useful online community with all of you fellow peeps.
I appreciate this community.
Yes, I have made 3 close friends.
Yes I have made friends here. And hope to be friends with them for a long time.
I haven’t made any friends yet. I have a hard time making conversations.
I made 4 online friends from here.
I’ll just say that I enjoy the fellowship here. In real life it’s too hard to keep up with the banter and nuances that communication protocols require.
Only posted a few times since changing meds started 3 years ago so not really. Hoping to get some irl friends though.
No. I am pretty schizoid. I want to try and talk about phenomena I experience to make some sense out of it like a group project. But it does not seem to go with this site. That is okay, though. People make good posts, plenty enough here.