Have you ever used illegal drugs

I understand temptation is hard, but in 24 years of AA, CA and NA I have met a thousand people who don’t do drugs or drink. They had to learn the hard way about the pitfalls of drugs. YOU are the lucky one who escaped their fate. Keep resisting, it will pay off. But you will meet many people who have done things that you haven’t. It doesn’t mean you have to do everything they did in order for you to enjoy life. And that’s what life is about. Enjoying it to the best of your ability. I have been negative lately which I hate. But I enjoy the little things in life. A nice view of the mountains on a clear day, a coke from the drive-thru. A friendly ‘hello’ from a stranger. A job well done at work. And I get these all without drugs.

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Sorry kidsis, I didn’t want to do overkill, but you see my MANY points.

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looking back my teens was full of weed and e, no wonder i went down hill and burnt out, i remember the back lash and the very day i hit rock bottom at the tender age of 19, i was sinking and could not control it, the belt of psychosis was engulfing and no one could stop it, so severe it was, i still to this day get after shocks…

i admit i choose the wrong roads in wanting to escape by using drugs. my choices lead me down a road of hardship and the drugs were a vital part of my distruction. i was blind to the fact drugs don’t work. i feel i learnt the hard way. im off all illegal drugs 10 years. very lucky to be alive

yes teens can be a rebelious time, i was also in the wrong group of friends looking back

i went through the mill, crushed down mangled, but came out a better person through it all…

“Bravery is not fearing anything, but courage is mastering that fear.” It takes blind bravery to do drugs, but it takes courage to not do them. Keep staying awesome. Keep being motivated by the love you and your brother share.


psychoticteen, that is one of the best posts ive read here!!

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:blush: thanks, pedro.

I’m sort of in @SunGirl’s boat. It’s easier to list what I haven’t done. I have no idea how Heroin and other opiates haven’t come into my life, but what a stroke of luck that they didn’t.

I’ve also never tried Spice or bath salts, I think I was finally burning out on drugs when these drugs were starting to gain in popularity.

Plus, when I found XTC, that was all I wanted. It’s the only one I stupidly romanticize and miss. It’s sort of hard to come to grips with just feeling mildly happy after having days of euphoria.

I’m learning how to be content and happy. I’m missing the mark today…

I’m just not in a good head space today.

@77nick77 and @anon59133895 Thank you a lot for your post.


I know people will try anything but for the life of me I can’t imagine a single reason to choose bath salts. Unless you like the taste of faces. :skull:


Anytime, J :slight_smile:

Well, I don’t count this as doing drugs, but I was walking by a club late at night in Salt lake city, and a bunch of people were smoking pot, and I happened to inhale it DX Had the worst headache EVER and bad hallucinations after that…Would anyone else count it as doing drugs?

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hi zengarden.good stuff on giving up smoking.ive stopped a few years now and feel better for it.hope you can keep the will to keep on going

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I had a bad trip when I was 21.totally destroyed me .eneded up with personality disorder cause of that.am schizophrenic now.

as a late teen I had o ne or two hits of marijuana and I ended up really hallucinating pretty bad. I looked in the mirror at myself and said to myself that I was so stupid( that I had tried it). never did it ever again.

have drank several times but not until I was 21 except a couple of times prior to that age. been drunk. don’t like…puking drunk…yuck!!!

I don’t drink, smoke, use illegal drugs…but I am a coffee addict :wink:

we’re all pill poppers XD

No, in my case I have never used illegal drugs.

I have, mdma,cocaine,marijuana and speed.
These all except marijuana were only on 1-6 occasions.

No, i’ve only used the safe legal ones.

I consider that a blessing that I never tried Heroin. Everybody was into uppers it seemed. Coke was very popular. I’ve smoked synthetic marijuana but I don’t know if it’s Spice. That seems to be really popular now. I think we actually have bath salts in our bathroom, but I would never smoke them. I don’t need anything else to add to the head circus as you put it. I loved XTC! Don’t put yourself down for missing it, it was incredible. J, I’m sorry you’re not in a good spot. I hope your day got better. :sunny:

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