Have been dealing with hard case of bronchitis this week

I’m depressed right now…Angela is still sick, and I am down with bronchitis badly. it’s getting ready to be single digits outside again here in Oklahoma so I brought my outdoor cats in to sleep in my bedroom…I have slept so much that I am wide awake now in the middle of the night, plus now I have to sleep on the couch since I gave the cats my bed. when I lay down all I can hear when I exhale is how congested my lungs are…it’s an inner noise that’s pretty loud laying down and makes it even harder to concentrate on going to sleep. I’ve already taken my sleep aid and I think it’s worn off. Anyways, Happy New Year.

Sorry you’re feeling poorly. Hopefully the congestion eases up and you get some sleep.

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I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope you’re on the mend very soon. That was gracious of you to give the cats your bed. Sounds awful cold there. I thought the 30’s was cold but I stand corrected. Good luck :slight_smile:


I still have a chicken I feed outside and I worry about him. Our dog got out and attacked it about two weeks ago so it has been healing from losing a lot of tail feathers to our dog. I break the ice in the water and give them a whole new bucket of water every day and throw him bread. It does make me somewhat happy to save the cats. so cold outside. @47average thanks you for caring. @Moonbeam thank you too. are you a woman? I heard someone call you dude or something and can’t figure it out…haha…

Get better soon, man.


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Yes. 1515151515

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