Has ps4 been hacked yet?

It’s not a matter of enriching people, but the MORALLY correct thing to do. They have money because they have a product that is popular. That’s like going to a store and stealing Wonder bread to spite the people at Wonder.

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Different definitions of moral than. I dont think it is immoral to download something ifypu dpnt have the money to buy it. But I do believe it os immoral to ask a person to buy lets say 70euros worth of video games if thats the only 70 euros the person has. It produces a whole bunch of other morally incorrect behaviours like kids that dont have money for lunch but have the latest ps at home. Its a dificult subject to discuss

sounds like a moral obligation, people must be in conflict about whether this is right or wrong or maybe people these days really ‘dont give a ■■■■’

they think just because these guys make millions they wont miss a little here and there but they do, every little counts, idk what they might spend it on but that is not my concern,

they still deserve it because if it wasnt for them then you wouldnt have anything to listen to and if it wasnt for me supporting the industry you wouldnt have anything to listen to either, not everything is done as ‘not for profit’ they dont volunteer for it for nothing,

maybe everybody should download illegally and then what? there will be nothing left to download, it will be the death of the industry, music, gaming, movie etc all gone, dead, nothing nada

ok i guess i’m being critical now haha

It’s not morals you’re arguing for…you’re arguing for convenience and priorities. If you have the money for a computer and an internet connection, then there is no excuse to not buy a $10 CD or whatever. Kids don’t NEED a Playstation, they WANT it and the parents give it to them. If you can’t afford that new song that came out, then you can listen to it ad infinitum on youtube, spotify, or a million other sites. If a person’s problem is they can’t afford a 70 euro game, they should be so lucky. There are a lot more dire things in life that you could face than not having the latest game…like shelter and food which millions of people across the world don’t have.


I actually totally agree with you. I have a 400 euro worth of movie collection that I worked to buy. So I support yhe industry too. Every once in a whileI dont have money and download. That doesnt make me a criminal.

does it make you feel bad?

It’s not just a question of legality, but morals. Whether you’ve paid for the stuff in the past is irrelevant. That’s like me going into a store and stealing a watch, but because I bought my last watch, then that is ok. It isn’t.

No. You know why? Because the industry can pay millions to a single actor. I dont download independent movies. Those I buy. We each have our own moral compasses

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This is a shining example of selective moral nihilism.

thats how you justify it then i guess

i’m not trying to upset people, i just felt like i had to make people aware of the issues surrounding copyright ‘theft’ if that is what it is called,

i use to be a thief myself, i use to say the same things, dont think i am going to get through to anyone though ‘no-one listens anymore anyway’

Do you have a smartphone? Those cost a lot. You know about the cobalt mines in africa? Or the sweatshop in china? We can preach morals but we break them every day without even thinking twice. I have no hard feelings about downloading a hollywood movie. Sorry

No, I do not own a smartphone because it restricts a users rights. Like I said, once you buy something, it’s YOURS. I pay for my clothes and jewelry. I don’t steal them from the department store or the jewelry store.

Morals , smorals…

what is life without morals?

Me either. Morally bankrupt people will always exist. No one is perfect, but some of the things being advocated for here, are wrong, and people know it, otherwise they wouldn’t be selectively doing them.

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How about you mind yours and I mind mine?

No we need the moral evangelisers for that , do we?

It depends on what you believe yo be wrong. Youre trying to make me admit I dont have morals because sometimes I download. But you defend the high morals of a capitalist elite that feeds of your income and takes that money out of circulation into an offshore account. I dont think your a bad person because of it. Im not morally inept for downloading once in a blue moon either.

i think they know what they are doing is wrong but they try to justify it,

Minnie , best you can do is leave it to the 2 of them , stay out of jail , that’s all you need to do :slight_smile:

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