Has anyone got any hoidays planned?

Who likes travelling?

I am going to Barcelona, in June. Then Gdansk in Poland in August! :slight_smile:

I must hold a record for visiting Paris the most times. I proudly boast I have visited this amazing city of love 7 times!

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I’ve got nothing planned. I get all stressed out when I have to go into town , nevermind going on holiday ! :smile:

I’d like to go to a hotel by the sea though. That might be relaxing. Possibly. But it’s just a vague wish rather than a plan.

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Austria next week

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The only holiday I get is summer vacation off of college.

Naw, I’m just going to stick with the same ones. I wish i could think of something as creative as Festivus, but give me enough time and I’ll come up with a unique one, possibly for May.

Yeah I’ve got …3

Comicon, then going to a Goth Club in Detroit my friend invited me to then chickened out from, and I’m flying someone out here, or they are flying themselves out, or we are going half. Anyway we got some plans working.


I am to visit the tri-city in Asia this August.

I used to to work in Bievres every summer, just outside of Paris when married to my ex. Did that for 8 years or so.

How nice @anon80629714, I would like to go to.

I love Paris I’ve been there 3 years ago.

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I want to take a vacation soon. But I don’t know where I will go. My wife won’t travel with just me. I am no fun she says. Have to go with a group so I will probably just get a 3 bedroom condo on the beach and bring some friends and family. But I would like to go out of the country. So I would have to go by myself.

I am not the same person I was before I got sick. I used to party pretty hard but now I am square. Don’t drink and in bed by 8 pm every night. My wife is a night person. Likes to drink and go to clubs and stuff. Definitely not my bag anymore.

I’m going to Tennessee in July and California in October. I’m excited for the people I’ll get to see more than the places I’ll see them.

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