i’ve never been there, i feel like i should go visit our neighbors to the south someday. im interested to explore the countryside there and see what it’s like. i would maybe avoid the deserts, as ive seen enough of deserts in the american southwest.
i mean they grow avocado’s i think cinammon and things like that, im all about that kind of stuff.
There were all of these weird things running around killing eachother so i slammed a big ■■■■■■ rock into the place and ran. I was just fourteen back then though so things are getting better i guess.
i just want to ride around in a bus exploring the country. maybe visit mexico city or some other city and take in a soccer match. i think i would go in winter, to try to avoid the hottest months. i want to do the same thing in canada. i guess i could just get online and look at a bunch of photos of the mexican countryside and farms.
I went to a place just south of Cancun with my family and a family friend.
We went to some ancient ruins, and swam in a Cenote
Most of the time we stayed in the hotel though, as it’s not completely safe there
When I went to a nearby town, some crazy guy tried to sell me pain killers and weed. He was a gang member. Must be my fault for being covered in tattoos
Anyway, make sure where ever you stay has a air-conditioned bar, as the humidity when I was there was unbearable at night
i dont know about you guys but after watching a bunch of el chapo episodes in spanish, i just want to speak spanish so ill just say a lot of words for fun and add an 'etos , anos,osos, to the words lolol then i can pretend im spanish.
my hammys names are bubbles and sleepy, i gave them a second name after watching so many episodes in spanish, i named them bubbletos and sleepetos
I also watched El Chapo both seasons. If you want more there is El Patron Del Mal on Netflix if you already watched Narcos. Its pretty good but long, Pablo Escobar buys an army and attack the government with tanks lol