Happy Friday!. (May 21, 2021)


What We Have In Thus Culture Of Freedom & Seeking Of Such, Is Imagination.

Our Mind’s.

Our Bodies.

And All Of What Makes Us, Us. Unique And Adventurous.

It Starts As A Spark. An Idea. A Thought.

And Is Set Free As We Reach Out Into Thus Universe.

Searching For Sensations To Relate Within Our Inner And Outer Perspectives. And Responses.

Our Psychological Eye’s Surrounding Our Bubbles Gravitating Towards Our Hopes & Desire’s.

As Our Dreams Follow Our Footsteps Into The Promise Of Now.

Good Morning!.

Noon, Afternoon, Evening, And Or Night!.

May Your Friday Be Excited And Bright (!!!).

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :eagle: :paw_prints: :eagle:

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Happy friday to u too

Hmm?. . .

Yes, Yes, Yes.


Take It Easy And Enjoy The Day And Such.

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :eagle: :paw_prints: :eagle:

It is weekend. Happy Friday to all.

Hmm. . .

And To All A ‘Fright Night’!.

Well. . .

When It Returns Back To Nighttime.

It’s A Good Movie, What Can I Say. . .

And Eerie, And Ghastly, And Spooky, Filled With Vampyres!.

Happy Hallow’s Eve To All (!!!).

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :eagle: :paw_prints: :eagle:


As The Friday Comes To A Close.

Don’t Put So Much Thought Into Your Food, Drink, And Clothes.

When You’re Hungry, Eat Smaller Portions, And Choose Healthier Choices.

When You’re Thirsty Drink What You Love. But!, In Moderation. Unless!, It’s Water. I Know, BORING!.

And If You Are Wearing What’s Comfortable. With Mindfulness To Feel The Air Through Your Clothes.

Give Thanx!, To The Band, ‘The Constantines’. Cause They Said That Fist.

‘Let Us, Feel The Air, Inside The Clothes That We Wear’~ The Constaintines.

(Album/Tournament Of Hearts)

Cause According To Them, Women Always Win.

And You Know What, I Think That They Always Do.

Have A Great Night Christmas Trees (!!!).

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :eagle: :paw_prints: :eagle:

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