Anyone have any plans? Might go trick or treating just for fun
No costume,I’m going as the living dead
Sister is decorating already…
Anyone have any plans? Might go trick or treating just for fun
No costume,I’m going as the living dead
Sister is decorating already…
I mean, for me it would be another excuse to go out lol. Let’s see if it works out with this girl…
I won’t do anything. Just chilling…
I’ll buy some sweets for the children trick or treaters.
Nothing, but if I was forced to participate I would give the kids vuvuzelas to cheer the parents
Nothing planned yet. Probably won’t join a party. Maybe will watch Halloween-themed movies, but it’s not a given. I honestly couldn’t care less about this holiday.
I love spooky season, even though I don’t like spooky movies lol
Great time of year
We had. A whole bunch of families. Move in to the trailer park. I’.
M, afraid we’ll have more tricker treaters than we need. My kids are depressed. Maybe a good party would help cheer them up.
I hate halloween
I’m building up to it, I drew some bat logos on black paper recently and glued glitter on. it should be interesting this year as i started the Larp recently which is a world of darkness genre game.
We will hand out candy to the kids. Some decorating.
Imma be a pumpkin and sit on people’s doorsteps and scare the hell out of them.
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