MIght be a little late in the evening for this thread, but I figured I’d post a couple, so I might as well make a thread for everyone.
Heres my dad posing with our decorations at front of house.
MIght be a little late in the evening for this thread, but I figured I’d post a couple, so I might as well make a thread for everyone.
Heres my dad posing with our decorations at front of house.
Cool stuff! 155555
Thanks wave. what you cant see in the pics is that there are also several strobe lights and sounds effects. He also has a battery operated bat. The witch is can be activated by a string setup or by noise to cackle. and he has the figure seated in the chair rigged up to a rope to raise his arm when children pass by.
Dad really gets into Halloween.
@Bowens always great to see you out of your house.
You did a really good job on your make-up!
@Bowens I initially just looked at the first photo and wasnt sure which figure was your dad. Then in the second photo I saw one of the three figures had moved. Mystery solved!
Your parents sound fun @Bowens .
My mom doesn’t like Halloween. She loves Christmas though and has always made sure we had a good one.
We didn’t get to be home for Halloween. All that effort decorating and bagging candy for nothing.
Sorry man. Sometimes when it rains, it pours.
We got 6 inches of snow.
Thank you so much! I free handed it without a pattern. I’m actually super proud of myself:)
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