Grrrr I want fooood

My teeth are killing me and hurt too much to eat.
The problem is i am so flipping hungry. I also have a cold and I have a weird chest pain.

That said
Iโ€™m soooooo hungry :corn::poultry_leg::green_salad::pizza::fried_shrimp::ramen::cookie::hotdog::taco::cheese::pancakes::burrito::stuffed_flatbread::hamburger::fries::shallow_pan_of_food::stew::curry::spaghetti::sweet_potato::oden::sushi::dango::icecream::shaved_ice::ice_cream::doughnut::birthday::cake::chocolate_bar::candy::lollipop:

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Can you eat a smoothie? Drink some milk?

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We ran out of milk and i donโ€™t want to go to the store until morning. But that wouldโ€™ve been perfect

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What about soup or mashed potatoes?

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I do have soup!

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Refried beans and shredded cheese?

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Iโ€™m not sure i have the beans but yum

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I had a tin of refried beans so i melted cheese on top and added dollop of sour cream


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