Got my heart test results

It turns out my heart rhythm is usually normal.

But during dizzy spells I’m having SVEs and VEs.

My dr recommended I follow up with cardiology to see if they want to run any more tests.

But overall she thinks I’m ok.

So I’m thinking I may just not go to the cardiologist since I’m most likely ok.


Congratulations :partying_face:

That’s awesome!

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Im glad youre ok!


Thanks @SacredNeigh7 @Rainstorm


To be honest I’d go. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your heart.


Good good. Your heart loves you.


Glad to read that your heart is more or less okay.

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you might catch something important in future heart tests…don’t stop now just because you want to.

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That’s great news :grin:

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Thanks @Jonathan2 @TheCanuk :slight_smile:

@jukebox , my husband says my drs always act like the sky is falling when it comes to my health. I think he’s right. I have too many drs and appointments etc.

I’m going to see the ENT and audiologist in November. If they don’t find anything and it’s still happening I’ll consider going to a cardiologist


@LilyoftheValley i don’t mess around if there is anything wrong with my heart which is why I would be adamant about it. your choice…

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It’s super good.

I love hearing good news, and mostly about health!

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