My dog woke me up about 5:40. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t. Watching the news. What about you?
It’s 4:30 am. I woke up and decided to stay up, I’m going to the grocery store at 6:00 am.
I had my worst night so far, i was spooked and now i feel depressed as hell, i had a zoom meeting with my clubhouse but found it hard to talk so i just typed and turned video off
was wondering if we could have a zoom meeting for this place? is that possible?
No, because offsite communication is disallowed by the rules. Sorry.
If not for the security issues that would arise it seems like it’d be fun.
we are a community of people coming together for support, and to to share our insights into this illness.
I will say that we don’t monitor PMs
just waking up. it is 7:56am
I have to run another study for my information architecture course. Honestly studies are one of my favorite things to do.
set around at the house, wondering if I need coffee or pop. last night was a bummer as in it was so cold out and windy. hope the day go s well for all of you. Zen
I had to cancel my debitcard cause i wasn’t careful on a datingwebsite. I can’t do any onlineshopping. I feel a little awkward as my injection is overdue tomorrow. I try to adapt to the depressed atmosphere cause all the funthings like sports,pubs and concerts are cancelled.
Just trying to wake up. It’s now 5:30 here and I’m still wiping the sleep from my eyes. I slept fitfully last night, as expected. I woke up at 3:30 but managed to fall back asleep for another hour or so before finally getting up for some Tylenol and Advil for my back and neck. Missing my Chiropractor appointment was a bad idea after all. Any way I’m not doing too much today except maybe laundry if I feel up to it, oh and it’s bath day, so there’s that. Have a good day @anon4362788.
I crack my two youngest kids back daily. They always ask me to, so when I give them a hug I crack’em. They got addicted to it when my oldest daughter cracked our backs on a visit.
I’m having a relaxing day. Not done much. Slept well and been on a walk with the dog. I’ll start doing dinner in a few hours.
I’m currently working from home, only 1 hour and 45 minutes until I get off!
I’ll just be watching TV all day.
I’ve got to work today. Just 5 hours but it’s lonely and kind of boring. I’m by myself at the library without a lot to do.
Just woke up and cleaned n shower, waiting for the bus to PSR in a few hours
Just waiting for my nurse to show up.
Took my meds. So sleepy. Crochet my mom’s blanket. How are y’all this am?
Feel like crying on someone’s shoulder, but the bottleshops are closed.