Good Morning forum

What’s up???


Just trying to sort through stuff.

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Going to give cleaning the house a go today. Would eventually like to become a minimalist. Was called a junior hoarder two days ago.

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I wish, nah I’m sifting through painful emotions and feelings and trying to let go and move forward if I can.

I have the opposite of hoarding, so they say. I love to throw things out. I can’t stand too much stuff around. If I haven’t used something in awhile I would rather give it away and then buy it again later when I need it then to keep it around for later. It’s a weird ocd thing of mine. I like a minimalist approach.

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I’m up early again but did make progress… I slept longer and my dreams were a little more refreshing, pleasant. I’ve always been a morning person so I’m taking it in stride.

Taking the abilify in the morning was a big help. I’m glad we uncovered that through talking.


I couldn’t fathom taking at night. I cherish what little sleep I get. Glad it is helping :hugs:

I am really appealed to minimalism. I just haven’t had the push to jump in.


Ahhhhh! You’ve got the hard job today. I totally support you in your difficult task at hand. It’s funny but once we work through something and put i down it seems so easy. But when we are in the middle of it it’s not easy at all. Good luck. I’ll be holding good thoughts for you.

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Ty very much. I can’t run away forever :hugs:

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Are you feeling manic today. I know you were worrisome yesterday

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Oh I’m so happy that made a difference. It may take a few more days to straighten out the sleeping schedule still. But it’s great you saw an improvement. I’m a morning person too, so I don’t really mind being up early. I only got 4 hours of sleep again and no nap again yesterday. And I had to really force myself to eat so I’m definitely on mania watch. Red flags are going up.

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Something that really helps me with going through things is when you pick something up to make a decision on whether to keep it or not is ask the questions 1 have you used it in the last year? and
2 do you love it? If those are a no then you may want to consider getting rid of it.

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I will give that a try. I bought a pack of 48 garbage bags to do this whole house cleaning right. I dread going through books, clothes and shoes.

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You know I feel ok but I felt ok on the last manic I had. I really couldn’t tell I was manic until they told me in the hospital. I guess it was a mild one. But I have some of the same symptoms. I think what’s happening is a pendulum swing back in that direction. You know once you’re bipolar starts going it has a tendency to swing back and forth before it settles back down. So I had the big swing, the I had a little depression for awhile now I think it’s swinging back the other way. I don’t think I’m going full manic. I haven’t done anything reckless. Just missing sleep/food and have some thought loops.

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I’m around…at least some of the day if you need a friend :hugs:. Strength in numbers :heart:

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Oh boy! Sounds like you have quite a job. Listen, just do one bag at a time. Even if you do just one a day that’s progress. You can do it just one step at a time. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Thank you! Are you sz or sza?

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Yes I am so hopeful that Abilify will be even more helpful than Haldol.

Good that you’re taking your med, that should protect you from psychosis at least.

I’m a pretty good cautionary tale on some things, one of which is going off meds. I actually did it for almost a year, but the dopamine must have been rising inside me, I got manic, and then grandiose fears became a constant norm. I should have visited this site for help… but I was so separated from reality that I didn’t think it was my sz.