Good morning and a healthy day to you

i hope you are feeling good and positive today. here the weather is supposed to pick up and be dry and warmer finally. i am anxious to go back to work but with the carona virus i am not allowed to yet.

i feel happy that i am feeling pretty normal today. how about you?

also i feel happy that i started my day with some physical exercise. i highly recommend it.

hugs to y’all, judy :wink: :upside_down_face: :grinning:


Winding down and soon to bed to read. Exercise is so good early. I get in and do what I need to so I can slack off for the rest of the day. We need rain bad. Glad your well.

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It’s going to be a hot today here today. And I’m sweating already from cleaning the house.

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today is the opposite of yesterday m orning. i woke up lazy angry and tired.

i am so glad i have excellent self control, but the feelings, they are mad.


I went out for a morning walk. I struggle with the heat of the sun. I feel nausea quickly. Maybe I should drink more.

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