Alright, I’m 37 and my husband is 45. He needs to take pictures for the yearbook since he is yearbook adviser and newspaper editor/writer/photographer (small town) and he asked me for a date. We went shopping for prom attire last weekend. It’s kinda nifty because neither of us ever went to our own proms. I was on independent study and didn’t know the other students plus my boyfriend wasn’t prom material. I know lots of adults chaperone but I’m actually excited. I thought my chances of going to prom had long since passed. Besides that, my hubby looks way good in his suit. Our wedding wasn’t formal; had I known how good he looked in a suit, it would have been.
That is so exciting! I loved going to prom! You will have so much fun!
Very Cool @Wendy!
I didn’t go to my prom.
Should be a good time!
Have fun!
Sounds exciting! I hope you have a good time!
I went to my prom, but I had to leave early. I had just had brain surgery, and I got very dizzy. It was still a fun time.
We would enjoy pictures if you decide to share. Having something special to get dressed up for is fun!
I didn’t go to prom either, Wave.
I hope you have fun, Wendy
have fun at prom all my friends went to prom. i avoided it like the plague. i found on a fellow student wanted to ask me so i avoided him till after prom.
Hey, good on you Wendy for being able to do this. This is a memory from my High School days. This is how I dressed for Prom. I had the nicest date for Prom. So it was a nice experience.
Wow! Thats nice! We dont have real proms here. Id love to wear a prom dress though. Have fun!
I went to prom stag. My friends thought about having a formal party once. We never had it. Enjoy your prom!
Thanks everybody. Because my husband has the jobs that he has, our days tend to be somewhat public. We go to art and craft shows, public meetings, grand openings, etc. I get through these things, though I sometimes do stay home to keep my stress down. It’s a small town and people know I am “quiet” but they don’t know why. The prom makes me a little nervous because I am not familiar with most of those kids. I am super-excited but the closer it gets (Saturday) the more frazzled my nerves are. In truth, everyone is going to be so wrapped up in their own stuff, they probably won’t even see me. That’s fine. That’s what I’ll tell myself.
Thanks again. I am looking forward to it but the realities of the situation are hitting home now.
I went to like 5 proms. My junior and senior prom and then with girls that were years ahead of me to theirs. It was a glorious time back then, back before the rigors of psychosis began to torture my soul.
That is a good thing to remember, that others really are having their own ‘experience’ and not focusing on you. Hope its fun for you, not stressful. You’ve got your man, and he looks good in a suit, so just go and enjoy!
He does look good in a suit Thank you.