
i looked in the mirror :mag: today, and i look like a gnome :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
…" .mmmmmm "… " interesting “…you say.
” i agree " says me.
i have gone from looking like a;
swashbuckling pirate of the high seas :sailboat: :skull:
a hipster :man: :coffee:
a bikie :statue_of_liberty:
a gnome !?!.. :scream_cat:
next step
henry high pants :jeans: with zimmer frame !?!

and that was my day :city_sunset:

take care :alien:

how was your day ? :heart:


Not as exciting as that.


i just look like plain old me. but i have seen gnomes. they weren’t nice to me.

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i am a ’ sith-gnome ’ :imp: …just forward their addresses to me… :mailbox_with_no_mail:
they may accidently fall down the wishing well in the garden :house_with_garden: !?!.. :large_blue_circle:
if you know what i mean !! :stuck_out_tongue:
take care :alien:

It was a snow storm over here and everything woke up dressed in shiny white colours in the morning. I couldn’t wait to put on my winter clothes and all the proper equipment and go outside to play.
But I forgot I wasn’t 5 yr old anymore.
I freezed like ■■■■ and fell two times on ice within an hour, my make up had melted down and two kids throw some really big snowballs at me.

Hard to explain the way I looked on my way home. :imp: :snowman: :gun:


I cleaned my house today. It got so bad, from weeks of lying around depressed and such.
Also dying my hair back to my natural blondeness, from black. Maybe I will watch a movie and paint, tonight.

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I see the mean gremlins sometimes

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:panda_face: eyes !?!
take care :alien:

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that was funny !?! :mushroom::flushed:
take care :alien:

I now shall see you as a darksith gnome forever! :grimacing:

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Lol panda eyes :joy_cat:
That was hilarious
You can make the lamest thing sound so sweet. :heartpulse: @darksith :heartpulse: :zap:

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Sometimes I look in the mirror and I find I have no idea what I’m looking at.

I feel like a Picasso…

But in a blue shirt.


surf’s up Picasso :fish: :tropical_fish:
take care :alien:

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gnomes are cool, do you have a funny little hat that hangs down? lol

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of course…!?!
well it is a floppy beanie…
i have to look the part !?!.. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
i am a cool :snowman: gnome… :sunglasses:

take care :alien:

I’d long suspected but am now sure. I’ve found a picture of @darksith.


you see, i am suave, sophisticated and damn handsome… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.
and a snappy dresser !?!
take care :alien:

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At last you have revealed yourself to the jedi
At last you will have, er, … some explaining to do

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Nah, it gotta be someone else. That gnome has a terrible style.( :smirk:)

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