I’m about to just self destruct into a million pieces.
I’m done tired with it
There is never rest
Just an assurance I will be put to the test
My mind has a sadistic personality
Loves to see me dead…
Yoooo dude Im really about to throw my laptop across my room, I’m so sick and tired of everything I mean every little Fuc(@##*#( thing. How long can I continue with this some may ask? For the select few who actually care I think i wont make it too far, or even to close to my mind that is stuck in a pit like quicksand no matter what I do.
What is this account even? Oh yeah thaats right a saint
Missed missed missed opportunities i could have been someone. Thank you me you are the best out there dude Oh golly you sure are the best @ForlornSaint
My god has my head done it it has finally did it, by god has it reached a new level of cuck. Oh my god I just can’t vbelieve my head really overpassed this barrier, HAHAHAHAH wow dudes and duddettes can you believ the bullshittery
This will never stop dudes, I drew this I feel like that right now HAHAHAH.
I’m so tired soo soo tired, If i could write and wieirw U would, my head hurts it hyrts… Here another poem
The rose flies into the darkness
All my faith leaves my chest
I scream
Maybe its a test
Im just messed up
Ahhhhhhhh :(:(:(::((:(::(:(:(:(:(::(:"("("(:("(:":("(:"(:"(:(":("(:"(:"(:"(:(":("(:9;