GF Pregnant

Congratulations @Naarai!

How old are you?

I just hope the baby doesn’t look like your Mailman.

(Keeding!) :wink:

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Im 46 in October.

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Congratulations man!



I’m happy for you. I’ve wondered what it would be like to be a father myself, but I’m probably too mentally ill for that.



Thanks for all the replys - too many to click on the like button! lol.

Ho hum. Gonna be selling my gaming rig :frowning: and my Oculus VR.

Did the math - and even when the child benefit kicks in and the maternity grant, we are gonna need the cash for baby. My gaming days are over - replaced by sleepless nights and dirty nappies lol.

Requested the council put the missus on my secure tenancy as well - normally you have to be living with them for a year, but im sure once i explain shes expecting they will understand. Just wanna give her some security.

My mothers over the moon. (Tho she called me a bloody idiot lol - for not planning)

Shes 9 weeks, according to her period. So early days.


Congratulations @Naarai

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Congratulations, Seth.

Is this her first kid?

Yes it is. Shes 25, so bit of an age gap lol.

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Well congratulations man

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You’re having an oops baby! Yep. That happens sometimes

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Yep im having an “oops baby” lol. Could not be happier tho.

I must admit tho - her parents arnt too impressed, especially when they found out, im not working and im 20 years older.

This is my second child - my other one is 17, so its not like i havent got experience.

GF is over the moon too. So its all good :slight_smile:


Congratulations @Naarai!

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I wouldn’t personally chose to have a baby now given my mental issues but like you said you didn’t know you could have kids. Plus, you’re a nice guy anyway.

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Hey. You may want to increase your food budget. Pregnant women eat a lot