Getting my first tattoo tonight!

It’ll be so cute! Show it to us after it heals!


That’s a beautiful tattoo @LED


@LED I love your new tattoo!

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I’ll never have the kind of nerve it takes to sport a tattoo. I’m much to conservative. Butch haircuts are as radical as I ever got. But I like yours.


How are you enjoying the tattoo? Is there some sort of healing period? The artwork is cool, I thought you were going to do all red balloons but the multicolor looks better I think.


I really like it! So, it takes a few days/weeks to heal? They put on this sanicare bandage thing instead of having me wash it all the time. I wore the first bandage for 24 hours, then took it off and washed the tattoo and let it dry, then put on a new bandage that stays on for 7 days. Then after that I just wash it and put cream on it to keep it from getting too dry. 🤷


They made that into a movie. It was a very strange movie

Looks awesome!

Love it!

I’m saving up to get more tattoos too.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Something Wicked…? It was.his strangest book.

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I love it! It’s so cool. I have four tattoos. One of my partners name, a bearded dragon, a green frog and a Celtic knot shamrock. My partner bought a ring for me it’s not arrived yet. But she said if I am uncomfortable wearing rings ( they hurt) that maybe get someday get a Celtic knot tattoo on my ring finger

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You must mean petroleum jelly right? :grin:

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Yes, big no to scratching the itch. Also I’d say don’t lay or press on it. I’d say maybe 4 weeks but yeah, good advice, freak!

Looks like you partied without me! Grrrr!!:slightly_smiling_face:

I got Mike Tyson tattooed on my nose. I’m gambling it will scare people and make them leave me alone.

Next one’s scheduled for the 19th. Come on up.

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Yup, it is a little addictive, for sure. I would… but I can only afford to party with like… 30 cents right now, so I’ll go talk to my friend at 7 Eleven one of these days. I mean… if you like gouda cheese and 100% melon juice, maybe we can still party. :grin:

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That is beautiful. I love the balloons. What’s your next tat gonna be?

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You should have got Tekashi 69… then you’d have bullets flying everywhere you go… it’d be like a Dynasty Warriors Musou.

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@Gagis A feww years back I found his complete stories in a used bookstore. Sticking out from between the pages was a bubble gum wrapper. I was careful to leave it there

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