Why do you think that the onset for men tends to be earlier than for women?
Thats a tough question, idk, maybe because women have more chromosomes or bcz they are more emotional. Its just specualtion not even sure.
It’s possible it is a Remnant From Evolution. Women would need to be strong enough and mature enough to handle childbirth. Just a guess
Womens revenge.
Maybe estrogen plays a role.
Or maybe onset just looks different in women?
It is also less common in women and less severe. Women have some strong protective factors that men don’t. Or men have some risk factors women don’t. I think sex hormones has been implicated a lot. IIRC.
I think @anon9798425 is on the right track about women having more protective hormones than men. In my own personal experience, I’ve seen kids as young as 9 in both genders displaying psychosis, so before puberty. Who knows. There’s so much we don’t know about this illness. A true mystery, it is.
Shame it can’t be cured. I wish the worlds governments would put the same effort into solving it as they did for Covid… unrealistic I know, but shame.
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