Gaslighting pt4

This seemed to be around the 4th time is is brought up. @Ninjastar said I should just start a new thread. I was just watching a video. Someone mentioned it and I looked up the term.

Then I remembered when something like this happened to me. Although it was a whole bunch of people and I think they were just trying to mess with someone with schizophrenia. I kinda know who they were but they don’t seem to be around any more. Anyway I won’t go into the details since I kinda did in another thread.

Anyone experience this before? I mean to where they know it happened and it wasn’t just the illness. I mean in the mass harassment way. Although I guess 1v1 type relationships work as well. Just wanted to know your experiences.


Guess my thread isn’t that popular. That’s fine.


Sup my man sp2342…what are u doing this night…i just came form walk…its cool to walk early in the morning…


Hey @far_cry0 my main man. I am just at home looking at stuff on the internet. I just saw a video on you tube where the guy mentioned it and I guess it triggered me slightly. What have you been up to?


Just came from walk. I walked like 1 hour…it has refreshed my mind…try to get some sleep…are u from which state…


I’m from the United States. Texas to be specific. You are from nepal correct?


Do you still try to read medical journals everyday?

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U are right …i am from nepal …there a alot of nepali people living in texas…have u meet any Nepali people in ur state…

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I still sometimes feel like that is what happened to me, but I don’t have any way to prove it


Yes a couple when I was in college. There was one girl from nepal that was my friend. I think I could’ve had a chance to be with her romantically but I went after a different girl. People from nepal are very nice.

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The bad part of schizophrenia is that a lot of people won’t believe you. So you have to get proof in some way and that is difficult.

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Yes i try to read most of them…my positive symptoms are manageble but cognitive and negative are worse …i cant hold a job…i am unemployed sorry for that…do u have a job…

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No. The latest job didn’t hire me because I was schizophrenic. They actually told me that. It was the government so I couldn’t do anything.

This topic is extremely triggering for me. I’ll try not to be around. Bye.

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Sorry maybe it is a triggering topic for most sz. I understand.

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Actually I thought this was the gang stalking thread. Nevermind.


I guess I kind of put them together. At least that was my experience.


I still don’t quite understand what gaslighting means.

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Thanks. Can’t quite say I’ve experienced that.

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