Gaslighting pt4

I just looked up people talking about gaslighting and it seems to be a bit different than what I was thinking of. The wikipedia article talks about people doing things to make you think you are going crazy. The people’s examples just sound like abusive relationships. I guess there is a lot of overlap.


My understanding of it has always been some one/ some people doing things to make you think that you are losing your mind etc

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Oh okay that I what I thought it was. I looked up quick examples and everybody on a different website were talking about abusive relationships. Maybe they only do the stuff to make you think you are crazy to mess with you if you have sz.

It’s a term used for making anyone believe they’re going crazy, but most particularly people who don’t have a mental illness. The name comes from an old movie. It isn’t something especially targeted at people with sz.


I’ve had sorta the opposite. Parents say what i have is very mild. And ppl generally push me towards some sort of occupation.


Sup esm …what are u upto…any news related cure of sz…i am wating…

No, my pdoc said there’s a lot of hope and they are doing plenty of research.

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About to go to sleep its 1:20

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I’m pretty familiar with all the tricks of the trade, unfortunately, from the “marks” view (Target).
It can gain such momentum that every aspect of your life is in jeopardy. It takes a very long time, but if you have a clean conscience and a very good memory, you can get through it until the truth comes out, then folks might be smart enough to realize their mistake and back off.

Believe me, it does no good to try and fight them, it’s best to sit tight, and not give too much information to anyone.

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I didn’t know what gaslighting is until now (my brother was a corrections officer for 27 years and told me about gaslighting in prison).

Sounds like something a coward would do.

Well ya whenever I tried to confront people doing it they would deny it or try to ignore me. That and they never try to confront me face to face. The way they did it most can be confused with maybe being a hallucination. Except the visual things they did as I do not have visual hallucinations. People usually don’t expect you to confront them when they outnumber you 10 to 1.

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