Add forum mini games we can play together and then buy the stickers and put them as badges on our profile kind of like neopet style minigames and high score compete.
But someone has to create those mini games right? Or am I missing something?
I think we are limited to the discourse options in the software package. Unless they add it we won’t be seeing it. I’m not sure where the stats are but someone will correct me.
Minecraft. Let’s do it!!
(I also know a good server that we can play in.)
I support the mini game idea with badges. I think this forum would clock some serious hours on these mini games
@SzAdmin I understand this would be a total rehaul of the site and also would take atrocious amount of time and energy and money.
It was just a fun thought I had, not dogging or trying to insult your website
I think games would be fun, also. Too bad the software allows conversations only. But we CAN add emojis to your title text if you want. Not exactly a badge, but still something.