Funny thread

What if somebody put up stadium lights, for Christmas around their house.

What if somebody put a pine cone, on top of a Christmas tree…instead of an angel.

What if a person purchased, a Christmas tree…and it was too tall, and he cut it in half. and everybody got mad.

What if they made a documentary about clapping? :wink:


What if they made a movie about apples and bananas how they are green and red :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


What if I’m not really that funny :pensive:

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Oh but you’re a funny one. Rest assured ma’am. :smiley:

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Not as funny as you :pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

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Well we can’t all be the big enchilada now can we?!!!


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That was a good one.

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Lols, thanks, I try very hard

I want to get a Porsche, for Christmas…with a piece of dirt on it.

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I want a coupon for Christmas.

What if they scientifically reincarnated Roger Ebert into a piece of cheese? Would you eat him with a cracker?

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I want to blow up a balloon, and make it pop…for Christmas.

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What if I got a pony for Christmas, AND a cat with no name?!?

I give up :pensive:

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I want to get a car for Christmas, and put it in a land field.

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What if an evening newscast had a host who said on live television, “That’s all the news we have for you tonight folks. Now please, go and kiss my ass.”

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I’m funny, no I’m not funny, ah I don’t know?

Wave are you there?

Yes I’m here @Jake
What’s up buddy?

Thank you…….1million1million1million

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