I need people to talk me down. To tell me I’m crazy. I feel like even the people on this forum know me somehow and maybe that’s part of my delusional thinking and maybe not. I came to the realization tonight that I actually probably do have schizophrenia and that, while treatment has improved many of the symptoms, I’m still delusional. I don’t know if they can ever be corrected but I just need to know that nobody knows who I am. If you do know me then be honest and tell me but if you don’t then say you don’t. And I need honesty, please. Sorry to bother you but I feel like I have to reach out for some sanity.
I don’t know who you are or anything about you @crazydiamond444.
I have no clue who you are and it’s the first time that I read a post from you. No need to fret.
yea i don’t know you either. it’s first time i see a post of you i think but i could be wrong. But i certainly don’t know you.
I don’t know you either, but just like you I feel everybody knows everything about me and by this post you are mocking me or sth.
I’m not offended (maybe a bit but whatever)
Don’t know you from Adam. You sound like you’re suffering from classic SZ symptoms, nothing more.
I don’t know you either.
I have experience with a different forum where I felt sure they were all talking about me, knew me, monitored me etc. I started here about a year ago and never really felt that here.
Overall, this is a good place I think. Coming here reaffirms that I have been ill, but this is a recovery step, so it’s positive. I’d rather be sz/ill than my delusions be true.
Thank you for making me laugh
All I know about you is what I read in this post.
I have no idea who you are. This is the first time I’ve seen you post. I hope you feel a bit more sane soon
What do you know about me and how do you know it? Who should I trust?
You trust your doctor, or everyone here to you will be watching you in your head
If coming here is triggering you, perhaps this isn’t the right place to recover?
I have heard people talk about their symptoms or talk about people they know, anonymously, and their symptoms and they are identical to mine so I know I have sza. I have also seen things in books that I can relate to. I recognize your username.
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