I’m pretty desperate, I’d be satisfied with enemies with benefits.
Nothing immoral about having sex.
One should beware emotions of romance and jealousy could become involved in such scenarios.
If you meet another who you fancy romantically your friend might be jealous.
I think it’s something to be careful about.
I love me a good man .
And a good woman but I’m romantically more in to men .
I can have a crush on so many men but I only want to have sex with one man at a time and that is who my boyfriend is.
I’m faithful to my boyfriend and adore spending time with him but god knows I can live men .
I definitely look at other men .
I’m more picky with women and quite frankly there’s not many women around here I would look at …
I’m mostly straight but a tiny bit bi .
I’ve been sexually attracted to like two women in my life but I think that might be because I haven’t been to enough gay bars .
I don’t want the Drama .
But maybe I’m closer to another than I am to another even though he is one I’m sexing .
Maybe if both parties concent there can be a nice way to be .
Not for me. 15151515
I can’t do friends with benefits. Once I’m hypnotized by a woman’s lady parts, it’s like a drug. Either just friends or relationship, no in between with me
Nothing wrong with bringing a cute woman to pound town as only friends only if she gives consent though, ofcourse.
Wouldn’t work. When we have sex we release bonding hormones. No way around it. You’d eventually feel strong affection for each other which would probably result in the desire for a relationship.
I don’t know @POET ,sex for me is taboo,bc I have intrusive thoughts that involve sex.
I’d rather be single,sex is bit revolting thought to me this years …
I don’t think it’s wrong, if it’s what you both want. I doubt I’d want to have casual sex though, and would feel exploited.
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