Free IQ test

I think the schizophrenics on here are pretty high functioning to be able to use the internet. I don’t think this is a representative sample. Think of the homeless schizophrenics, and those living in a boarding home who don’t even have access to the internet, and those living in institutions.

I wouldn’t worry about that. As i posted in this thread there are doubts as to using IQ tests as a singular measure of intelligence. Ultimately ,given that tests are usually timed, what an IQ test may measure more than intelligence is ability to think under pressure. Scoring high on IQ test may also just mean you are good at doing IQ tests in the way some people(not me) are good at doing jigsaw puzzles.
People here who can use computers, and post articulately, are obviously going to be more intelligent than those who can’t and it’s not totally surprising how intelligent people here are.
I do wonder though how much our various symptoms affect the ability to apply our intelligence in real life situations and how much some of us have problems with short term memory/working memory/executive function etc.
Although i score well on IQ tests i struggle with executive functioning and sequential problem solving both of which are more applicable in real life situations.
I certainly think that most here are not functioning(including me) at a level commensurate with their IQ.


I think that is factoring in very disorganized and undifferentiated and catatonic schizophrenics. My shrink was very firm when he told me that purely paranoid schizophrenics are often pretty bright. He told me that he imagined my IQ to be in the 130’s. I hadnt taken a test in years and was pleasantly surprised with my results, and he was right, I scored 133. He will probably be happy to hear it but not surprised.

IQ Test
IQ Test

■■■■ :frowning:


Given that you are not stupid, as evidenced by your participation here, all that may indicate is how IQ scores measure skill at doing IQ tests rather than innate intelligence.


I agree with @firemonkey. IQ tests don’t count for much.

sorry, i was just messing about and thought ‘what would happen if i just tried to get them all wrong’ lol

so basically i think that this is the lowest score you can get but maybe if i answered them all a bit slower it would have been a bit lower :stuck_out_tongue:

Some probably. I knew 2 I can think of with IQ in the 120s, and the other 140…in and out of hospitals. Occasionally homeless. Group home…still had access to internet, in fact that’s how I met them.
Couldn’t work or go to school. Could barely talk to people in a store. One couldn’t even drive and didn’t know the difference between the gas and brake, literally. Both high IQ but I wouldn’t say high functioning in societal terms, at least at the time.

But I was in a hospital years ago and think I probably met a few who are as you say.


I remember hearing that high intelligence is common in SZ. Instead, it’s psychosis that can cause a servere drop in IQ. So take a test while psychotic and while not and see the difference.

Plus, a lot of these questions involve finding patterns and pattern recognition seems to be heightened to superpower levels in SZ.

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That was very accurate description of my homeless/ rabid period.

A lot of homeless have library cards. There are some churches that have P.O. boxes so the homeless can have a standing address. With that, you can get a library card. With that card, you can use the libraries computers for free up to two hours at a time.

Yes, that, or if you happen to be in a college town many colleges have a free internet area. (The one’s I’ve used in 4 different states you didn’t even have to sign in, one library like that too where you didn’t need a card or to sign anything, and I went to the colleges when i was either homeless for a couple weeks, or was camping out on land I had just bought. (semi-homeless since i didn’t have a house? LOL)
But, I also dressed fairly clean when homeless…used campground showers or took sink baths at gas stations, bathed in creeks, and changed my clothes…so i didn’t have that run down, dirty clothing, smelly homeless appearance like some I have met. My clothes get dirtier now living in a house because I am working in gardens or the woods all day!

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A fellow gardner? Very cool. Even when I was homeless I still hit the water when I could. Some of the community centers have $2.00 swims so I would hang out in the pool all day and shower there.

But when I ran out of meds and ended back on alcohol, I went rabid. That was the lowest of my low.

Yes…I just got in from clearing around a Peach tree that isn’t getting enough sun from the overgrowth…still needs some more work, like with a saw to take down some small trees that have grown like 15’ tall in 2 years!

That won’t hurt the forest any though…

Gardening in “the jungle” is a challenge !

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When I took an IQ test in the eighties, I came out with a 133. Then, a genius was a 140. Taking the test offered by msjeu, a lot of you are geniuses or better. Living in this area of New Jersey, I have often thought my IQ must have descended at least 10 or 15 points. I can build a computer, but what the hell does that do?
Read E.Fuller Torrey M.D.'s “Surviving SZ, A Family Manual” for cognitive impairment.

I scored 132. Is that bad?

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that’s very good. It’s considered very bright indeed.

I finally took it to see what the hub bub was, and just for fun. I still believe you can’t tell what a person is like by a number on a page.

I’m not sure if this is for real because I don’t feel like this is accurate. Because I still can’t do laundry correctly all the time, I still leave burners on, I still have to double check the bus schedule all the time. I’ve left windows open during the snow. I still have to reread everything because I know I’m fighting off some dyslexia… so how in the world did this just happen?

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Cool…You now have top score…as my 160+ was after looking at the answers…I had 145 first time and 155 second go…

How did it happen? It can easily happen.

Ever heard of Jani Schoffield…the little girl who was diagnosed SZ at the age of 6? Her IQ was 146 when she was 4 and it was said she had the mental capacity of am 11 year old…Yet there are things she can’t do, or won’t do, and she’s been hospitalized a few times.

I know she’s a cool little girl suffering hard core. I’m not judging and I know it’s no easy thing raising two children with MI. but something about her Dad give’s me the heebies.

I know they have to make ends meet the best they can, but when they started doing the “talk show circuit” that sort of hit an icky feeling with me. But oh well, I’m on the outside looking in so what do I know.

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Seems like how fast you do the test can be a big factor in what score you get. For example for test 4

So basically he scored less than 30% right but still has a high IQ! What if you get double the questions right and take twice the time would your IQ be lower?

Is time taken a greater factor in scoring well than accuracy of answers? If so this would penalise good but slow thinkers(i’m not a fast thinker) and reward quick but not necessarily good thinkers.

The reality is in an offline test no one knows whether you took the full 30 mins to do the test or 20-25 mins so it’s impossible to factor for differing times taken

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