I’m stuck between farmer sausage with perogies, spaghetti and garlic toast or chicken burgers with fries/hash browns.
I can’t even decide. They all sound amazing
Chicken burgers and fries!!
I’m leaning towards spaghetti. My kids love it. But they like all of the above
The good thing about chicken burgers is I can make enough for school the next day
I am thinking spaghetti.
Spaghetti sounds good. I hated Italian food as a kid because my parents loved it but now it’s one of my very favorites lol
With tomato sauce??
Spaghetti and garlic toast sounds nice
I took the lazy way out and ordered a meat lover’s pizza with extra pineapple
Yes meat tomato sauce
Well the spaghetti is on its way
@Pikasaur are you back from the hospital?
Baked Cheerio’s in béarnaise sauce served over rice. My favorite.
No, not yet. 151515
@Pikasaur you’ve got this
sorry about nova… she sounds fine though. they all sound a little cholesterol, with my heart. some meds cause deposits of the stuff. but you are young aren’t ya?? what isn’t fattening?
You always have such yummy options. I would have gone the spaghetti and garlic toast as well.
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