Flat out refusing

Sorry to post about this again

But something is going on with qwertle. Mentally.

I have been to the doctor countless times over the last 18 months. But they refuse to do anything

I feel like there is nowhere to turn.

Yesterday was a massive meltdown all the way around our food shop because of people’s “faces” he was so anxious and clinging on to me and scared. At the moment we can’t take him anywhere because of this.

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Extreme shyness in children can be disabling and may lead to social anxiety disorders. If your child’s shyness is debilitating, you can consider having them evaluated by a child mental health professional.

Here are some things you can do to help a shy child:

  • Prepare them: Let them know what will happen and why so they can feel prepared.
  • Provide structure: For example, you can schedule playdates at your home so they feel safe.
  • Role-play: Use puppets, dolls, or action figures to help them practice social situations.
  • Give them a script: For example, you can say “We’re going to the grocery store. The person at the register will say hello, and you and I will both say hello back”.
  • Build their confidence: Tell them how much you love them and how special they are to you

Thanks @77nick77 but they won’t refer him unfortunately.

This is going to sound a little weird, but….

If he eats cereal for breakfast try feeding him bacon and eggs instead, then see how he goes.

I can’t remember where I heard that. Came from the recesses of my mind :sweat_smile:


Can you try recording him on your cell phone having meltdowns so his doctor might be more willing to take you seriously? My son was always on his best behavior at the doctor’s office so the doc never took my concerns seriously.


I know what it’s like to have a kid with major issues.

My daughter from infancy until 8 screamed in pain and drs ignored her until she was 4. Then she finally got surgeries and over the next few years her health improved

She also has psych issues that get ignored by drs and learning disabilities that were ignored until she was in high school.

I was out of my mind with stress so I can relate

My advice is to find things to do that help you relieve stress and even anger.

Punching bags, exercise, hobbies…. Anything you can do. Even screaming into pillows or punching them can help.

Continue to advocate for qwertle. Get video recordings. Keep calling drs and going in. Don’t give up


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