Today is a great day to work in the garden
Quite a few months ago I helped my Mum with a veggie garden in her old house.
It was really therapeutic to be out digging in a garden and planting little vegetable seedlings and watching them grow.
I have to mow an elderly relative’s lawn every so often and I hate it. When the time is close I pray for rain. Well nearly, I don’t pray.
My lawn is long dead due to watering restrictions because of the California drought. Since it rained quite a bit over the past winter, there are now tall weeds where the lawn once was. I now mow the weeds when they get too tall. Too tall is defined as taller than my little dog. When she can no longer see over the weeds, it is time for me to mow.
It seems as if all of us have a unique gardening story
It’s been a cool, rainy day here, not garden weather, but I have all the windows open and the breeze keeps blowing in the scent of rain, dirt and lilacs. It’s the most refreshing thing.
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