Favorite movie

If you could recommend just one movie, which one would it be? What is your most favourite movie that you can watch over and over again?

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HAH you would.

I would have to say ā€œfear and loathingā€ or ā€œwhere the buffalo roamā€

Kubrick, Tarantino, Wes anderson films are all good

Iā€™d check out ā€œThe life aquaticā€ if you havenā€™t (Iā€™d choose that as my favorite)

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ā€œLife of Pi.ā€

The best film ever about dealing with life on lifeā€™s terms?

The complete film for your consideration.


I bought the book, never read it. The movie came out, didnā€™t get a chance to see it. will try.

This is hard. I really love ā€In the Mood for Love" and ā€œ2046ā€ by Wong Kar Wai.

And ā€œLife of Piā€ meant things to me that the author and director never intended; I watched it during the last year of my catā€™s life, as he was fighting kidney failure. To me, itā€™s the story of a boy and his cat, and how they save each otherā€™s lives.

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Jinx. You owe me a Coke.

(Actually I prefer Pepsi.)

The book was much better - but the movie was visually Fantastic!

Itā€™s the most beautiful movie Iā€™ve ever seen. I think I cried for twenty minutes straight in the parking lot of the movie theatre after it was over

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Gladiator with Russel Crowe or The Deer Hunter


What do you look for in a movie? What are your favorites? I have a tendency to love visually breathtaking films, with an undercurrent of dreaminess and sadness.

The Big Lebowski


Thatā€™s one of the best.

Sin city is a good one. Visually unique.

If you can appreciate video game/stoner comedy than:


LA Confidential is my favorite movie


You can practice your french by watching this one. Will make you laugh guaranteed. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I donā€™t have a favourite movie actually, I like watching old films in black and white, but I only recently started watching movies again, I kinda would get restless and fall asleep because of the meds. I will look into everyoneā€™s recommendations and start watching again at night. I remember I really liked animations too but now itā€™s kind of a hassle to sit through them. I changed so much because of this illness.

hey this is really interesting, I thought it was a trailer. Have you seen ā€˜la grande seductionā€™ ?

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Yeah. Itā€™s about that village who need to hire a Doctor! Good movie, the guy who plays the Doctor has weird eyes man, a blue one and a green one. I liked it!

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Oh gosh, a more recent one I loved was ā€œOnly Lovers Left Aliveā€, about two vampires in love, and what there is to live for after you feel thereā€™s nothing left. Itā€™s in a very odd style that some people find frustrating, and itā€™s more about an idea than a plot, but itā€™s seriously the most dizzyingly romantic film I think Iā€™ve ever seen.

ā€œIn the Mood for Loveā€ is about a man and a woman who begin to suspect their spouses are having an affair with each other. ā€œ2046ā€ is about that same man and the relative wreck he makes of his life in the aftermath. Also in a very particular style, so your mileage may vary.


Pretty much anything directed by John Carpenter

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Iā€™m watching Avengers: Age of Ultron tonight! Thereā€™s finally a good copy online. :grimacing:

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