Favorite artist

Peter Pans sidekick?

lol, yesā€¦ humm. pondersā€¦ yes tinkerbell was peter pans side kick.
only this tinkerbell is insane, then peter must beā€¦ hummā€¦ whats more than insaneā€¦?

thats remind me off this

ā€œVERY insaneā€? ā€œEXPONENTIALLY insaneā€? ā€œInsane to the 10th powerā€? ā€œ50 degrees of insaneā€? ā€œMucho insaneā€?
ā€œOzzy Osbourneā€? ā€œInsane like a foxā€?ā€œInsanerā€? Anyone who is on meth"?

all right - super sorry - and - trying to remember anything that I like that is not dark - this is ha-a-a-ard
but this one


ah yes thats one is nice, warm, soothing, comforting.
if i could i would leap right back in the wombā€¦ ok that might not sound a ok.
yet it is my feeling. please god undo me.

Durer makes me so-o-o-o jelly - like - he was making these perfect drawings with like silver stick (that you can not erase) at the age of twelve

Maybe he knew what he was doing. I think his rabbit is the best drawing ever made.

Have you studied art history?

Jelly-likeā€¦Iā€™m not sure if you like that or not.

art history - yes - a little bit - not as much as I should have
I get jealous of art I like - itā€™s totally childish - but yes. a lot
Durerā€™s technique is ridiculously good - here - he did this self-portrait when he was a child

I also like Chagallā€¦

I feel personally connected to Chagall - we are compatriots, if you please (and he also makes me jelly)

jackson pollock!

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I made my own ā€œpollockā€ with red white and black, ill have to upload it later its on the wall of my bedroom

Thanks for the pics.