I’m here. Wondering how i can refuse the cravings of cigarettes. What’s up with you @chemwex ?
Cigarettes are hard to quit for it took a lot of trying to quit but after I was put in a drug induced coma when I woke up a week later I never smoked again but cravings are there @anon5927173
That’s great you were able to quit cigarettes although it is unfortunate you were in a coma. Have you noticed any differences in your health since quitting?
Not much of difference for me. Maybe that I have more energy I quit smoking immediately sz started so what ever the benefits of quitting I never realized them because I got a worse evil
I could sucessfully quit cig 4 years ago…!!! Congrats…!!! Try to quit otherwise u can vape…!!!
@anon35166066 u up…??? I think u are making some coffee…!!
That sucks for sure. I have read that cigarettes can make someone more neurotic in the long term so it may still be for the best that you quit. It kinda bums me out that I may have already done permanant damage as I have smoked for 12 years.
@far_cry0 good job on quitting. Did you have a strategy for cravings? Or did you just simply refuse to smoke?
@daydreamer u goung outside for a coffee…
Good morning i’m going to Edinburgh in 1hr
@far_cry0 i might just do that lol
I have heard its so beautiful…!!!
yeah, its meant to be nice, they have a big castle on a rock lol, but i’m more excited about meeting some new people from the centre for mi about 10 minutes away from Waverley station, i’m doing an investigation into peer support as part of my course and this is an information session been wanting to visit this place since i heard about it, the people with mi who are members there run an online radio station which is cool
12 years… that so long but if you still feel alright it may be that you haven’t done that much damage. There people who have smoked for the longest time and they haven’t permanent damaged anything @anon5927173 it depends with you I don’t wanna say it’s genetics but it sort of is
Yeah it has been quite a while. I started smoking very young. I’m just going to try my hardest to quit and just hope whatever damage has been done can be reversed in a few years. Idk. Hopefully my arteries aren’t too clogged because I know that can be terribly difficult to repair. I was going to talk to my doctor to see if I have any clogging of the arteries. I’ll hope for the best @chemwex
It will be great if you can quit. As for the arteries I think they have a test for that. Have the test done then start on the repair if there is any @anon5927173
Will do @chemwex. I must now go to sleep. I wish you well buddy
I’m on the train just had a coffee lol
Sleep well…
Oh, wow…sorry I just looked at this thread
I believe they do a ct scan for that…and I’ll leave at that…my hubby has coronary heart disease…very tough on me atm…had been diagnosed two years ago and didn’t tell me…found out two weeks ago cuz is worse…
@far_cry0 what’s up brosky?
@daydreamer hope you had fun in Edinburgh